Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weigh In...

Hey guys!

I just wanted to do a check in. I got back up to my fatty weight again... there's no shocker huh? 258 a few days ago.

I've been working on sticking to eating right, but I don't feel like keeping a log. I mean, I tried this morning, but I am making healthy choices, so whatever. I checked yesterday's points and was just under, so I think I am doing okay.

Today was probably even better too. I ate a low cal salad, a high cal dinner of salmon, chicken, a bit of pasta and black and green beans.

Not bad...

Today was down to 256 or something. Better than nothing.

I really want to at least feel reasonably attractive for my brother in law's wedding in August...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

Hey Ladies!

Well, how has your week been?

What is your weight loss? gain? Strategies that have helped you? New things you have learned?

Share! I encourage you to share all that you feel comfortable and help all of us in this lifetime challenge.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

Hey Ladies!

Well, how has your week been?

What is your weight loss? gain? Strategies that have helped you? New things you have learned?

Share! I encourage you to share all that you feel comfortable and help all of us in this lifetime challenge.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Want to punch up the fiber, protein and vitamin/mineral content of your diet?


I highly recommend Edamame, which is just another name for SOY BEANS boiled in lotsa salt (yummy! lol) and served up on a platter. Hot or cold. Ok, or you can buy them raw and do what you like too.

I found this great article over here.

We bought some of these beans for the first time at Costco a month or so ago and ever since I have. been. hooked! I am telling you, I can't believe how great they taste and the Nutrition Facts of these little green fellas. Seriously... 8 grams of fiber in a 1/2 cup of beans? Can you beat that? 90 Calories? You'd have to eat like 2 Instant Oatmeals packs for that... and account for an extra like 200 calories.

So check them out the next time you are out and about. I seriously love them.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

WHOO HOO!! I am coming to you to hear your Weight Loss drops!

Ok, ok, mine was a whopping THREE pounds. No kidding. I am actually pretty shocked myself considering the weekend didn't go as well as I would have liked and I am on the rag. Blah.

But regardless. 3 more pounds lost.

What's your scale telling you? Any good exercise to report?

I have to say I've failed on the exercising portion. I had to flake on my hiking buddy and then she flaked on me... so that I haven't done in at least a week. Bad bad Marni. But at least my eating habits are maintaining well.

Jaime: How's maintenance going?

Jennie: How's the exercise AND eating holding up??

Kelley: MIA? Still trying??

Come on ladies... I need some support in this and I want to see you succeed!!!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

Hey guys!

I am coming to you with this on Tuesday because tomorrow I'll be enjoying time with my honey for his birthday at the SF Giants game!

So what's your weigh in?

Good stuff to report? BAD? Anything that worked or didn't? Anything else you'd like to share.

I'd love to hear it... come on guys get to posting!


Friday, April 25, 2008

The real deal

I have a little bit of a bear with me.
I belong to Curves and they just started this new system. I had to go in and get weighed and measured. They all but gave me a colonoscopy- they were so thorough.
(I actually really like the program;but this is not a commercial for Curves. I just want to set the stage for this rant.) As I mentioned, a very thorough exam including BMI and blood pressure. After all the 'history' they ask you your goals, goal weight, why you are working out ect..
I tell her that really I just want to have more energy, I want to be able to run around and keep up after my toddler. I just want to be healthy.
So she asks me what is my goal weight? I say really I don't know, I don't have a goal weight...I guess my goal is to not gain weight. I am working out for the multitude of other positive effects you get from working out, not just weight loss. So she tells me that "according to Kaiser (hospital)I am overweight and you should weight 165."

A. effing Kaiser, I dont think I have ever weighed 165
B. effing society, we put more emphasis on weight than on health

Honestly, I dont mind my weight. I like myself, really. I am basically healthy, have a great family, I can walk,run,ride bikes,touch my toes, do yoga & pilates.
I am not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination; but I am not a BonBon eating
fat couch potato either. I feel good about myself and according to some statistic,I have to loose 60 pounds. Its all a bunch of crap. What about my 7 aunts that are all almost carbon copies of my body and weight? What about the fact that I have 1 aunt that has had lipo twice and is back,again, to the same weight? I do think genetics comes in to play. I dont think it is as easy to just look at this and that and 'poof' your weight should be this.
I can see how weight and self esteem can get away from so many girls/woman.
Here are my new weight rules:

1. I will work out b/c my body needs it and it is good for me.
2. I will watch what I eat and not watch the scale. Everything in moderation, for me, is the best thing.
3. I will do the SELF challenge because it looks fun!
4. My goal is to not gain weight and just feel good.

The rest will fall inline. I will either be a statistic of just plain ol' me. And really, I am fine, with just plain ol' me.