Hey Ladies!
Well, how has your week been?
What is your weight loss? gain? Strategies that have helped you? New things you have learned?
Share! I encourage you to share all that you feel comfortable and help all of us in this lifetime challenge.
A place where Mama's looking to lose those extra pounds can share their frustrations, ideas and motivations.
Hi all! I'm struggling this week. We had such abusy weekend. We went to the lake Saturday (I don't know what it is about swimming bt it makes me SO HUNGRY!). We had a BBQ Saturday night. Brunch Sunday morning (Flamingo Champagne Brunch ROCKS!!!), BBQ Sunday night. Monday was Golf and the gym. Tuesday was a birthday party. All of these involve food or drinks. I am also going out to lunch tomorrow for a friend's birthday. I ate like four pieces of pizza and cake & ice cream last night for dinner! I don't know what it is but lately I'm starving!
I will say that my weigh in this mornng was 136.0 with my shoes and clothes on. I was 133 last Wednesday naked. So I ahven't gained much but I need to focus and refind my will power. After all of the hard work I put into loosing the weight over the past year, I fear putting it back on!
I'm down 5 lbs! Yay! I was having trouble before because I wasn't get an accurate count of the calories I was burning. Now that I've got that worked out, I'm seeing results.
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