It’s official, I have seen everything.
The new diet 'craze' with the celebs is the Lunchbox diet. It seems the gist is you fill this 'box' w/ 60%organic vegetables, 30% protein and 10%fat. You are to graze on this box of food all day...eating about once an hour. You get to add in some carbs if you work out.
My first thought on hearing of it was....mmmm, how big a box do I get? I mean, I think I currently live on a box of food right now. I just call it a refrigerator. Maybe the celebs know something I don’t know? The diet does not sound very new to me. It kind of reminds me of a cross between the zone diet and WW; but who am I to criticize? I think all this guy did was take the best things from all diets...the things we all know and try to do and find some celebs to say they love it. Isn’t marketing great! (Did I mention you can download the 10 page pamphlet for $19.95?)
I think I will stick it out on my own for now. I will continue to focus on eating the right mix of foods, control portions, and keep up regular exercise. I wish there was a magic diet, something that for only $19.95 would cure all the diet woes of the world; but no amount of money you spend can replace simple logic and determination. We all know what we should be eating and we have good days and we have bad days. Dieting and weight loss is not something to 'cure.' Its not in a book, (or online pamphlet) - its in your mind and your heart. It’s with your family and friends that you will find success. Its just plain life and you work at it every day. And you know what, you can do it. We all can.
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I found my new diet plan! Not. Though I will take anything over this stupid diet I'm doing now. I seriously hurt so bad today and the only thing that I can think that did it to my tummy is the three pieces of sugarless gum and small portion of black beans. :(
Hey your box sounds a lot like mine!!
Thanks for the post. Dieting is hard and I agree there is no cure. it is just eating smart and doing the best you can for your body. I can say that after a couple of bad days I am back on track and looking to a lighter next week.
Hopefully I'll see you at Curves one day!
I just found your blog after marni left a comment on mine! I'm SO a mama that needs to lose some lb's. I have been doing a modified version of la weight loss. My girlfriend actually paid and joined and has lost and kept off over 30 lbs for the past 2 years.
I just got a treadmill and had lost about 6 lbs in the first 2 weeks, but now have been naughty with the snacking and I've added 4 more back on. ~sigh~
I will be back here often as I could totall use the support and ideas from you guys.
Losing weight SUCKS!
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