Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weigh In...

Hey guys!

I just wanted to do a check in. I got back up to my fatty weight again... there's no shocker huh? 258 a few days ago.

I've been working on sticking to eating right, but I don't feel like keeping a log. I mean, I tried this morning, but I am making healthy choices, so whatever. I checked yesterday's points and was just under, so I think I am doing okay.

Today was probably even better too. I ate a low cal salad, a high cal dinner of salmon, chicken, a bit of pasta and black and green beans.

Not bad...

Today was down to 256 or something. Better than nothing.

I really want to at least feel reasonably attractive for my brother in law's wedding in August...


LLW said...


What is this talk about weight? What are you talking about? You are a bodacious beauty, with two kids and a hubby.

I love you just the way you are!!! I am trying to be on your stalker list!

le Chef said...

Just trying is great. :)
Women were built with curves, so don't be too hard on yourself.

An Apel a Day said...

Keep going! You can do it!

I just started a blog with another blogger who is trying to lose weight along with me.

Check us out at: