Thursday, March 27, 2008

The 'LunchBox' Diet

It’s official, I have seen everything.

The new diet 'craze' with the celebs is the Lunchbox diet. It seems the gist is you fill this 'box' w/ 60%organic vegetables, 30% protein and 10%fat. You are to graze on this box of food all day...eating about once an hour. You get to add in some carbs if you work out.

My first thought on hearing of it was....mmmm, how big a box do I get? I mean, I think I currently live on a box of food right now. I just call it a refrigerator. Maybe the celebs know something I don’t know? The diet does not sound very new to me. It kind of reminds me of a cross between the zone diet and WW; but who am I to criticize? I think all this guy did was take the best things from all diets...the things we all know and try to do and find some celebs to say they love it. Isn’t marketing great! (Did I mention you can download the 10 page pamphlet for $19.95?)

I think I will stick it out on my own for now. I will continue to focus on eating the right mix of foods, control portions, and keep up regular exercise. I wish there was a magic diet, something that for only $19.95 would cure all the diet woes of the world; but no amount of money you spend can replace simple logic and determination. We all know what we should be eating and we have good days and we have bad days. Dieting and weight loss is not something to 'cure.' Its not in a book, (or online pamphlet) - its in your mind and your heart. It’s with your family and friends that you will find success. Its just plain life and you work at it every day. And you know what, you can do it. We all can.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday Weigh In

It's that time! Suck up the Holiday Weekend blowouts and weigh in with us! It's never too late to get started and keep on chugging.

What's your Wednesday Weigh In? I am betting mine won't be exciting, especially since I got a new scale that's telling me how my old one LIED to me all the time. Yup... I was only down like 5 or so pounds from the beginning of my sugar diet. Anyways, what's your weigh in like??

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

HELP!!! I'm Struggling!

Well for the past two weeks I have been struggling with my eating. It all started a few weeks ago when I went out lunch for a friend’s birthday. I ate; I drank to the point of being stuffed. Now I am constantly hungry! Did I expand my stomach or something? What is it? Why can’t I get back on track? Let’s just say Easter didn’t help. I even tried to be healthy on Easter but I ate too large of portions. I made an entire Weight Watchers meal (Spinach Fettuccini with Broccoli Rabe, Stuffed Herbed Artichokes, and Apple Blueberry Crumble. Even a low fat version of the classic Deviled Eggs! You can’t get much healthier. The problem was I pigged out! I couldn’t stop eating. I did exercise like crazy all week – earning 23 of 28 exercise points! Maybe this is triggering my hunger?

My goal this week is to get back on track. I have stocked up on high protein, high fiber foods. I am drinking my water (74 oz by noon yesterday!!). Trying to keep myself from hitting the hungry stage. We will see where I am next week and hopefully I will have something better to report!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

60 second seasoning

Do you hate veggies? Do you find yourself mindlessly chewing you veggies because, well, that is about all there is on your plate?
Have no need to fear, underdog is here! (No seriously, how many times have you got to use that in real life. )
Ok,back to vegtables. Did you know that for each extra serving of vegtables you eat a day can drop your risk of heart disease by 4%. Here are some ideas from Diane magazine to take veggies from 'ho hum' to hum dinger!

Steam a bag of fresh or frozen veggies in the microwave, then give their taste a much needed lift by adding or experimenting with new flavors.

Toss some Broccoli with asian style dressing and top with sesame seeds and faster than you can say Ne-how, you have a great side dish.
Toss Cauliflower with olive oil,curry powder, paprika,and parsley and boom you got a tasty and spicy side dish.
Spinach topped with olive oil, walnuts and some blue or feta cheese an voila another fast and easy veggie treat.

Start with your favorite vegtables and mix and match with new spices. You will be suprised at the good tastes that you find with a little bit of experimenting. Go on, give it a try.

Slackers Unite

Everyone has “one of those days”- too much on the old 'to do' list, work driving you nuts, family working the very last nerve? It happens to everyone. What I find interesting is it can affect you in one or two ways. You either get to the gym. Exercise to work it off, to blow off that steam or you go the other route and become a complete slacker.
Which one are you?
I am the slacker.
I have a crazy week and just did not manage to fit in working out. To be truthful, I did not even try. I don’t like working out, so this was a very convenient excuse. But want to hear something strange, I am dying to work out. I can’t wait until tomorrow morning because I get to go work out. It is really baffling to me this extreme change. Did I mention I hate working out? Hate with a white hot passion, Hate….that’s some hate, man. So you can see why I am so perplexed by this sudden change. Could it be as simple as my body and mind has gotten use to working out? Could I actually be *gulp* starting to enjoy working out?
Maybe it’s best if I just take it one week at a time. But for all your slackers out there, beware, getting healthy may just be addicting.

Weigh In Wednesday

Here is your chance to fess up and review your past week's good and bad points.

Well, what's the final answer?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Having a Fit Pregnancy

Hello all! So most of you know im pregnant, so while im not exactly joining you on your quest to loose the unwanted winter coat, I am however NOT wanting to gain an excess amount during this pregnancy!
Im starting out this Pregnancy at 207. NOT IDEAL. I really would like to not get about 240 by my delivery date.
My plan includes trying not to use the term "EATING FOR TWO". In fact during your 1st trimster you dont actually need any EXTRA calories! you do however need lots of extra nutrients so you need to eat food high in nutirients.
so I have been trying hard not to eat fast food, ice cream, and other things that are high in calories and low in nutrition.

Weigh In Wednesday

YES it is that time again! it is WEIGH IN WEDNESDAY!!! So walk over the the scale (you can do it) and let's see what your progress for the week has been. Remember each one of us is different and has different goals. This exercise is simply to make you accountable for what you put in your body and how that affects it.


Thursday, March 6, 2008

Tip for Thursday

You've likely heard this one before, but it's true. Drinking water can curb your appetite. Try guzzling a full glass of it before a meal, and there's a good chance you'll eat less. If you have trouble getting cold water down, try drinking the stuff at room temperature. Just don't fall victim to those silly high-calorie waters (Glacéau VitaminWater, SoBe Life Water, etc.). Remember to drink 6 to 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day. This makes a huge difference. If you fail to drink enough water your body retains what water you have, thus adding weight!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weigh in Wednesdays

Alright, alright. I am ready to fess up. I weighed in at 259.4 last week. :(

This week I have been forced to diet for my health though, so I will keep you posted on what my weigh in is and what went well and didn't for me...


Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday

Alright ladies! If I can do this, you can too!

Set some goals for this week and stick to them! Come on, you can do it. Mine is no sugar. Yuck. No candy, no sugar, no fruit sugar, no flour, nothing. I have to because of my health, but that doesn't mean it will make it easy... so what are you doing?

Oh plus... I went walking last night and today. :) And I've gone pee like 50 times already, that means I have been drinking the water right?

Ok now... what do you plan to tackle?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Maintain Monday!

It is Maintain Monday! It is time to refocus and regroup after a crazy weekend. Now is the time to think, what do you have to do to maintain focus this week. What are your goals for the week? What can you do to make sure you maintain and reach your goal?

For me, this week I’m going back to basics. Follow my meal plan and just try to keep up with my exercise for the week. I’m taking it easy as I’m recovering from a cold. So for me it is just get through by eating healthy and keep moving (even if it is a slower pace than normal).

Good luck!

Please Read!

I'd love to get some more contributors for the group, or even hey, be a member and post updates on yourselves. Send me an email anytime if you'd like to join.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Weekly Challenge

Okay Ladies! It is Sunday and the start of a new week. This week I challenge you to write down everything you eat. Yes, EVERYTHING! I have found that writing down what you eat helps make you accountable for the outcome at the end of the week. Why did my weight go up? WOW, I lost 2 lbs.! The outcome depends on what you put into your body. So for one week write down every morsel, every bite, sip, crumb, etc.

I have been keeping a food journal (as part of my Weight Watchers plan) for 9 months now. I have written down everything I have eaten for about 95% of the time. When I get off track I go back to the week where I lost 2 lbs. and look at what I ate. I can see the difference between that week and what I just ate. This always helps me get back on track.

Also, remember to include veggies, protein, fiber, dairy and yes even some oil (olive, canola, fish, etc. - good oils) in your diets. Take a multi vitamin and drink tons of water!

Good luck with my challenge!