Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Having a Fit Pregnancy

Hello all! So most of you know im pregnant, so while im not exactly joining you on your quest to loose the unwanted winter coat, I am however NOT wanting to gain an excess amount during this pregnancy!
Im starting out this Pregnancy at 207. NOT IDEAL. I really would like to not get about 240 by my delivery date.
My plan includes trying not to use the term "EATING FOR TWO". In fact during your 1st trimster you dont actually need any EXTRA calories! you do however need lots of extra nutrients so you need to eat food high in nutirients.
so I have been trying hard not to eat fast food, ice cream, and other things that are high in calories and low in nutrition.


Marni's Organized Mess said...

Go Monica! You can do it! I gained 33 with my son and only 20 with Rawni. So 240 should be pretty easy for you.

In fact, when you are prego, you only need an extra 500 calories. That's only a PB & J sandwich really. Not feeding a whole 'nother mouth! Or in reality a child who is what an average of 4 pounds in those 40 weeks???!?!

Jaime said...

You can do it Monica! I started my last pregnancy at 172 and topped out at 224. I did really good until the last two months. My suggestion to you is WALK, WALK, WALK. Everyday take an evening stroll and keep active. I was on target until the end when I stopped moving!

Good luck to you and keep us posted on your progress!!